Service years are available in a variety of focus areas, including: education, environment, disaster relief, nonprofit capacity, and many more. You can find opportunities across the country on the Service Year Exchange — our online platform that makes it easy for young people to search for the perfect opportunity.
Whether you’re in high school or college, looking for an opportunity to get back on track, in search of a pathway to a job, or wanting to change your career — a service year gives you the chance to develop leadership and professional skills, make an impact on the lives of others, and become the active citizens and leaders our nation needs.
Service years have the power to revitalize cities, uplift and educate children at risk, and empower communities struggling with poverty. They can unite the most diverse nation in history, binding people of different backgrounds through common cause and inspire the next generation to become the leaders our country needs.
Service years are not the typical path; it’s an experience for A Better You. A Greater Us.
Learn more about service years from the people who have already done it:
Why Expand Service Years Now?
America is facing a variety of challenges that service years can address, including:
- Significant social challenges that require human capital;
- Racial, economic, religious, and political divisions, with trust in one another is at historic lows;
- 5.5 million young adults who are not in school or working;
- Civic participation that is atrophying;
- A 21st century skills gap that is leaving millions of Americans behind.
Service years have a major role to play in all of these areas. Learn more about our strategies and how we’re partnering with cities, higher education institutions, companies, and others to expand opportunities and meet even greater needs.
Join the movement by promoting service years and advocating to expand opportunities to serve.