There are countless ways for nonprofits to join our service year community. From creating a service year program, to hosting service year opportunities on the Service Year Exchange, to becoming an Employer of National Service — we are always eager to harness the energy of nonprofits.
Create a Service Year Program
The “Creating a Service Year Program” Handbook provides a guideline for starting a service year program in your community or at your organization. An effective service year has the potential for substantial impact on three fronts — the host organization’s capacity for achieving its mission, the community in which service is performed, and the individual who completes the service.
Service year programs are remarkably flexible; there is no one typical service year program design. In some cases, organizations recruit dozens of service year corps members and organize them in teams to take on projects across multiple locations. In others, one or two individuals serve at an organization working under staff supervision. Regardless of size, host organizations enable service year corps members to be part of a team and understand their larger role in solving society’s problems, while providing a meaningful service experience.
The best part about creating a service year program? You can host your opportunity on the Service Year Exchange and find young people to power your organization!
Explore the Creating a Service Year Program Handbook.
Questions about starting a service year program? Contact Rachael Weiker at [email protected].
Host Opportunities on the Service Year Exchange
Thousands of young Americans are eager to make a difference in communities like yours. By hosting a service year, your organization will have the opportunity to engage these young people to increase your impact together over the course of a year. Your service year corps members learn new skills and gain experience while and your organization is powered by committed, full-time corps members whose service supports your mission.
As an added benefit, members of the Service Year Exchange are invited to join our dedicated Learning Communities. These communities of practice join together professionals from across all sizes and stages of service year programs to ask questions, share best practices and resources, and discuss new trends. As learning community members, nonprofit staff can quickly connect with their peers in similar roles, programs, and geographies to learn from one another. These supportive communities cover topics like corps member recruitment, corps member experience and learning, collaboration with other service programs, and much more.
If you are already a host organization, request to join the service year learning community by contacting Rachael Weiker at [email protected].
Build the Community: Collaborate with a Service Year host organization
Are you interested in working together with an existing host organization to address a problem in your community? Do you provide services or professional development trainings that might benefit service year corps members? Are you a host organization looking to collaborate with other service organizations on corps member recruitment, training, and professional development? If your organization is interested in pursuing any of these options, try leveraging the Service Year Exchange to find and connect with host organizations in your community.
Become an Employer of National Service
Nonprofits of all sizes also have the opportunity to become an Employer of National Service. Learn more.