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America is at a crossroads. Our citizens are more polarized than any moment in recent history. Our communities are facing intractable challenges. Millions of young people are disconnected from school and the workforce. Americans across the ideological spectrum are asking: isn’t there a better way?

Imagine a future in which young people earn college tuition by addressing our communities’ greatest challenges — where they are empowered to shape their own destinies regardless of zip code. Imagine a future in which empathy trumps apathy and participation and problem-solving outmatch indifference. Imagine a shared experience far stronger than anything that may seek to divide us.

This future is entirely achievable if a year of service is a common expectation and opportunity for all young Americans. Serve America Together is a campaign to make national service part of growing up in America. Join us as to make this vision a reality.

#ServeAmericaTogether is a campaign to make national service part of growing up in America. Join the campaign at
Join the Campaign
#ServeAmericaTogether is a campaign to make national service part of growing up in America. Join the campaign at