The ideas in this toolkit represent strategies that colleges and universities can consider to increase service year participation on their campuses.
Service Year Alliance believes that the incorporation of a year of service into the post-secondary education experience will better prepare students to complete their degrees, secure meaningful employment, and become lifelong engaged citizens. Service years in higher education have the power to attract students, enliven education, and put graduates on pathways to careers.
The ideas in this toolkit represent strategies that colleges and universities can consider to increase service year participation on their campuses.
“At Averett University, we understand and appreciate the value of a year of national service. Young Americans who are raising their hands to serve are self-selecting into an extraordinarily competent group of people. National service helps to develop participants’ work ethic, cultural understanding, resilience, and even their ‘soft skills’. This is why we chose to become an Employer of National Service. What these alumni can bring to our campus will contribute to a shift in culture towards one where service becomes the lifestyle.”
- Dr. Tiffany Franks, 14th President of Averett University
There are various ways for colleges and universities to embrace a service year and play a leadership role in these efforts, including:
Develop a program for students or recent graduates to spend a year engaged in full-time service working to address unmet societal needs. Programs could take place before (e.g. a “bridge service year”), during (e.g. “a junior service year” or “capstone service year”) or after the traditional university experience (e.g. “a post-graduation service year fellowship). These programs allow students to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to work experiences grounded in community needs.
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