Our campaign is led by a ground-breaking coalition of civilian and military service organizations across America. Join us.
Demonstrating a constituency for universal voluntary national service is critical to the success of our campaign. As such, we’re building a first-of-its-kind coalition that unites the military and civilian service movements under one banner. As we build the most equitable, inclusive, and universal national service system possible, those who have experienced the transformative power of national service firsthand must lead the way.
There are only two requirements to becoming a coalition member:
- Align with the campaign’s mission and objectives; and
- Approve usage of your organization’s name and logo in campaign materials.
However, there are many ways your active participation as a strategic partner in this coalition can make our campaign successful, including but not limited to: press engagement and outreach, advocacy and public mobilization, stakeholder connections, and cross-digital promotion.
Is your organization interested in joining the coalition? Please contact Kelsey Gerber at [email protected].
Overview of All Coalition Members