Bill Snow
Person of interest

Jon is the Midwest Regional Field Director for Service Year Alliance in Cleveland, OH responsible for building the service movement from the ground-up. He focuses on growing the political will to expand national service while also driving recruitment and broadening awareness of service year opportunities in the Midwest.

Graduating with undergraduate degrees in Theology and Political Science from Xavier University and an MBA from Wright State University, Jon offers 10 years of professional organizing and advocacy experience working both in local communities and national organizations.

Prior to Service Year, Jon worked as a Senior Regional Organizer for Bread for the World, was the Executive Director and Head Organizer of a local congregation-based community organization in Dayton, Ohio, and did his service year with the Network Associate Program in Washington DC.

When he’s not traveling around the Midwest, Jon enjoys spending time with his young son and wife, drinking (too much) good coffee rediscovering his hometown of Cleveland and watching baseball (Go Tribe!).

Bill Snow | Person of interest
Bill Snow | Person of interest
#ServeAmericaTogether is a campaign to make national service part of growing up in America. Join the campaign at